Thursday, 26 December 2013

Story of bears

A story written and illustrated by Bubbachuck and typed by her mum.

Once upon a time there was Mummy bear, Daddy bear and Baby bear.

My friends are sleepy bears.  "Am I allowed for a sleepover?"

We are sleepy bears.

The End

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Unicorn, horse, puppy and pig

A story written by Bubbachuck and typed by her Mum. 

Once upon a time there's a little girl who ride pony and her name is Chiara.  Her pony's name is Eve.  Eve loves Chiara.
Chiara's mum have a pig and her dad have a horse and her brother have a puppy. 
One day, mum said, "We have to go on a holiday."
"Ok, ok". 
Luggage ready
Flying on a magic unicorn

Sleeping in hotel room

The End.