Sunday, 21 July 2013

Bubbachuck Goes Shopping with Grandparents

A made up story dictated by Bubbachuck. 

Once upon a time we were going shopping with my mum's family. They got bags.  "Can I buy a thing for me?" I asked.  "Yes". 

And I bought the special-est things in the whole wide world.  Hair ties, glasses, glasses box, clips and unicorn key ring.  It all comes in a bag like a show bag. 

And I bring the dogs shopping.  They are scared of shopping because it was too big.  We lost everybody.  We got sad.  We never ever can find everybody.  I climb up the stairs because I'm the strongest girl to look for everybody and I found them.  They were buying food. 

We took home jook, Chinese donuts and custard tarts.  And Gong Gong doesn't have it before.  He eats so many egg tarts.  He gets fat.  And Grandma too.  They went to the toilet to wash their hands. 

We go home. 

The End

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Kimochi story.

A story dictated by Bubbachuck. 

Once upon a time there was a Happy Kimochi and he is so happy and he has a friend called Loved.  "I love you," said Loved. 

Another Kimochi hurt himself and he fell off the roof of the house and fell into a puddle.  "I can't get up.  I need somebody to help me!"

Happy and Loved did not help him.  The Surprised Kimochi he carried the Hurt Kimochi up like a strong boy.  "Okay, you are nice and brave," Surprised Kimochi said to the Hurt Kimochi.  He got a band aid and he is so happy now. 

The next day the Hurt Kimochi is happy again. 

The End

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Washing machine

We went shopping for a new washing machine because our machine broke. 

There is Penelope and me. 


Monday, 8 July 2013

My New Dressing Gown

It is pink.  It's got white polka dots.  Hoodie is dark pink.  It has two ties and one hook.  It has blue pockets.  I like to snuggle.


Farmer Meatballs. A made up story dictated by Bubbachuck.

Once upon a time there was a bad farmer.  He wanted to kill the sheep.  The sheep say "No, I do not want to be a lamb chop!"

The farmer then looked at the next farm animal, the pig.  Her name is Penelope and her sister is Peppa. 
"Can I make you into pork?" asked the bad farmer. 
"No thank you, I don't want to die," said the pigs. 

"Okay, let's look at the cow.  Can we make you into a steak?" asked the farmer. 
The cow say, "No thank you". 

All the animals say to the farmer, "We are going to put you in the rubbish bin!"

The animals throw the bad farmer out, took off his clothes and put him in the policemen's truck. 

The animals then killed the farmer with a hammer and cooked him into animal-shaped meatballs.  The animals eat the animal-shaped farmer meatballs. 

The good farmer did not eat the animals so the animals only eat the bad farmer. 

The end. 

Saturday, 6 July 2013


First it is a long drive. 

I have baked potato and meringue. 

Gorilla and baby gorillas were everywhere. 

I went to the shops. 


Friday, 5 July 2013


There is a circus on Swan Street. 

I like my food.  Popcorn, fairy floss, hot dog and a drink. 

I got a light sabre sword.   

I like the hula hoop girl. 

My drawing:  trapeze girl, circus food, buying sabre sword. 


Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Messy mess (a made up story)

Once upon a time the leaves fall in the ground. 
Oh what a messy mess! 
Papachuck need to clean up by himself. 

The End

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


I got a hot chocolate.  It was yummy. 

I got a new Lego. 

Lots of traffic lights. 

I ate calamari with my aunt. 

I went to a meeting. 
